Our Process | iKadre
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What to Expect

Advisor Fit Form

The first step is to complete our Advisor Fit Form. This short form will help guide us in our potential to work together and help us better understand you and your business. 

You will meet with our Founder and CEO, Natalie Roberts, for a one-on-one discovery call. The floor is open to ask any and all of your questions. We do this to help you get to know us a little better before committing to our firm.

1:1 with Natalie

Client Readiness Form

Next is a more in-depth questionnaire that will help guide us in customizing your services to your specific needs. When we say personal, tailored services, we mean it! We want to help you get the most from your hard work and help you understand all of your options. 

We want to make sure you like us before signing anything! During the Welcome Call, you will meet again with Natalie and our Director-M&A, review your information from the previous form, dive deep into a few of them, and double-check we understand your business and needs.

Welcome Call

You will receive a formal, fully-customized proposal from us outlining our services and fees. Take a few days to digest and then reach out with your questions. We'll be happy to talk through it, explain, and/or adjust as needed.


Intake Form

Once the proposal is signed and we are all comfortable and on board, we'll have one more form of getting into the nitty-gritty of your business. Don't worry; an MNDA has been signed so that we won't discuss the ins and outs of your company. And if it hasn't happened already, you'll meet the rest of your iKadre team.

Exit differently.

Exit with confidence.

Let's talk!

Contact us for a free estimated worth of your business, consultation, or questions about your business. We're here to help guide you through any transition.

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